
Showing posts from November, 2023

Ultimate Frisbee!

 In the second lesson of free choice, we decided to play Ultimate Frisbee. It was lots of fun, although the other team destroyed us. Halfway through, we had a medical emergency; Jackson hit Alex in the forehead with a frisbee at point-blank range! I had to take him to the sick bay, and he exclaimed: "I now know how it feels to get shot with a shotgun!"


 Today, and for the duration of the week, Mr Johnson was absent, thus we were able to choose any game we wanted! Today, we chose Volleyball. My team consisted of Caio, Ryan and I, and we had lots of fun! We played multiple other teams, and most of the time we came out on top! Well... we needed to keep track of the score. It was fun though!

Pickleball or Badmington?

 In today's lesson, we had a choice between two sports: Pickleball or Badminton. Pickleball is a variant of tennis, where you use hard balls and a hard bat, while Badminton.... Its Badminton! As a proud Asian (not stereotyping) I played badminton, and it was lots of fun! We played a tournament for best Asian, and I failed miserably! Although, it was still lots of fun!

Dogeball Games (7/11/2023)

Today, we played 3 games using soft dodgeballs. The first two games revolved around cones, where by putting the ball on top of the cone, we were able to create an "ice cream". The aim of the game? Slap the "ice cream" of your classmates! Both times, I went out near the start, but it was fun. Next, we had to knock down cones with the dodgeballs, and my team won by a landslide, winning 6-14. Finally, it was a classic game of dodgeball: With a twist! Each team had 3 special members: A corporal, A medic and A spy. If the corporal was knocked out, the game would end and the enemy team would win. The medic could run around healing players who had been knocked out, but if the medic himself was caught, he would be out. Finally, the spy could run around the entire court, sniping at the enemy medic and corporal. This game was interesting. On our team, Lucas was the corporal, Phoenix was the medic and Jackson was our spy. Lucas and Phoenix did their jobs well, and Phoenix was

Explosive Strenght Tests (30/10/2023)

Today, we did some tests to test our strength; both in the lower and upper bodies. For the lower body, we had to throw a basketball as far forward as we could, while sitting down and with our backs fully pressed against the wall! This was more challenging than i expected, and managed to come home with 5 meters. For the lower body, we had to do a standing vertical jump test, where we had to see how high we could jump compared to how high we usually stood. I got 38 for this test. It was lots of fun!

The Beep Test Pt.2 (27/10/2023)

Today, after the events on Wednesday, we were finally able to complete the Beep Test. This time, I got a score of 4.8, which was still quite disappointing for me, but the pesky shoelace struck again, making me fall at around 4.6, at which point after 2 more shuttles I decided to give up. The highest score in our class was something around 10.2, which is quite an unbelievable number if you do the maths. In each "major node" there are 8 shuttles, each totaling 20 meters, and 20 x 8 = 160. 160 x 10 = 1600, which is 1.6 kilometres! Half a cross-country run!

The Beep Test (25/10/2023)

Today, we did the beep test in HPE. My score was 4.4, which was disappointing for me as my record is 6.7. However, I may have achieved this score because we were outside in 11 degrees Celsius, and as i had a whole cup of noodles for lunch. The Beep Test, also known as the 20 meter shuttle run, is a test that tests one's fitness level. With the "Beeps" decreasing in time between them, you have to run continuously faster.